About us
How to find us
Men's hair grafts
Add ons
Childrens wigs

                                    LAKEVIEW  BEAUTY  &  WIG  SALON

                                           We Originate, Never Imitate!!!

                                   870-431-8182  or 870-431-(Hair)4247

                   The latest in hair fashion is available, whether it's your own hair,

or something special to enhance your appearance.


We are the largest Revlon Dealer North of Little Rock. 

                      We have  a large selection of in-stock pieces to choose from

                      and the ability to match almost any color.  We sell professional

                      quality wigs, only.  We have over 40 years experience in hair

                      replacement to provide our clients with the expertise they deserve.


                      Don't be fooled by the internet.  Come in for the personal attention

                      you deserve.  Get fitted properly with the right color match

                      and have your wig, hairpiece, or add-on cut to fit you.  No

                      second guessing or mailing back and forth because the color

                      doesn't match, it doesn't fit properly, or it doesn't even look

                      like the picture you saw on the Internet!!!