About us
How to find us
Men's hair grafts
Add ons
Childrens wigs

                         Welcome  to  Lakeview Beauty & Wig Salon

                                    "  We Originate, Never Imitate "

                               870-431-8182  or 870-431(Hair) 4247

Our business was established in this area over 17 years ago.  Since then we have been providing quality personal service to all our customers on a regular basis.  We are a full service hair salon and a certified wig shop handling those special needs that one encounters once in a while.

As well as specializing in quality hair replacement, we also carry a full line of professional hair wear available for everyone.  We have over 40 years professional experience to share with our clients.

We are open:        Wednesday , Thursday and Friday  from 9 A.M.  till 4 P.M.

                                        Saturday from 9 A.M.  till Noon.

For your convenience we are located on the Eastern edge of Lakeview, Arkansas

                                 at    4400  Hwy 178W    Lakeview, Arkansas 72642